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Scenic spots(旅游景点)Introduction of scenic spots

The dayan pagoda(大雁塔)
The dayan pagoda is located in the great cien temple in jinchang square, chang 'an city, tang dynasty (south of xi 'an city, shaanxi province), also known as the "cien temple pagoda". In the third year of tang yonghui (652), xuanzang built the big wild goose pagoda in order to preserve the buddhist statues brought back to chang 'an by tianzhu via the silk road. At first, the pagoda had five floors, then it was added to nine floors, and the number and height of the floors were changed several times.

As the earliest and largest existing brick pagoda of the tang dynasty, dayan pagoda is a typical physical evidence that buddhist pagoda, an architectural form of ancient Indian buddhist temple, was introduced into the central plains with Buddhism and integrated into Chinese culture. It is a landmark building that embodies the wisdom of ancient Chinese working people.

On March 4, 1961, the state council announced that dayan pagoda was the first group of national key cultural relic protection units [1]. On June 22, 2014, held in doha, Qatar, the 38th UNESCO world heritage committee meeting, the wild goose pagoda as China, kazakhstan and kyrgyzstan joint support of "the silk road: changan - tianshan corridor network" of a site successfully listed in the "world heritage list".

Tour route introduction(线路介绍)

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